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The 200 Club

The 200 Club

Ashtead Cricket Club13 Jul - 10:15
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The 200 Club

The 200 Club is a valuable source of Club funds which is put towards the improvement of the Club’s facilities and especially its training facilities. For example, last year £6k of the 200 Club monies were put towards the £50k raised for the new nets at Parsons Mead. This year we need to raise £20k to pay for the replacement of the netting on the bank of 4 nets at Woodfield Lane and £12k to pay for a new Astro turf wicket also at Woodfield Lane. Whilst we are applying for funding for both these projects, even if successful, we will not get full funding and the Club will need to contribute and this is where the 200 Club will be very valuable.

A 200 Club membership costs only £60.00 per annum, it is drawn randomly each month and offers cash prizes, with an annual top prize of £1,000.00 Our Club is continuing to expand and the pressure on our facilities is relentless. With this in mind, I very much hope you will consider joining the 200 Club and help us as we strive towards the continual improvement of our facilities.

Please see below our June and July winners:

1st prize: Richard Lammacraft
2nd prize: Richard Cheveley

1st prize: D Platts
2nd prize: Shane Murray

If you would like join the 200 Club, please email Louise Laudy.

Further reading